2024-2025 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog
Combined Degree Programs in Communication
Qualified undergraduate students majoring in advertising/public relations, communication studies, health communication, or journalism, broadcasting, and digital studies who are pursuing either a B.A. or B.S. degree may be admitted to a combined degree program (CDP) to obtain both their undergraduate degree and master's degree in communication (M.S. in communication) within an accelerated time frame.
- Students with a GPA of 3.0, or greater, may apply to the CDP in their junior year.
- A minimum of 75 semester credits must be completed or in progress in order to apply to the CDP.
- Students must have completed, or are registered for, their major's undergraduate capstone.
- Students accepted into the CDP are eligible to take up to 12 credits of graduate-level communication (COM) courses in their senior year. These graduate credits will count toward the fulfillment of requirements for both their baccalaureate and graduate degrees.
- Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA to remain in good standing in the CDP. Each graduate course taken during this time must receive a grade of B or better (not B-) in order to continue in the (M.S. in communications) graduate program beyond the initial 12 credits.
- In the second year of the program, students will be defined as graduate students for purposes of tuition and fees as well as financial aid and other matters pertaining to graduate students. Please see tuition and fees for more information.
- The specific 12 credits of graduate coursework to be taken and applied toward the fulfillment of the undergraduate/graduate programs are COM 600, COM 620, COM 634, and COM 642. If a student decides to pursue only the undergraduate portion of the CDP, the graduate credits completed will satisfy requirements for the undergraduate major. In this situation, these graduate credits from the undergraduate degree may not be used toward a graduate degree at a later time.
Apply at myxiwei.com/admissions/graduate-application-24.htm. You are required to submit an online application, GVSU transcript, current resume, two letters of recommendation, and a 500-word essay that addresses your career goals and how the (M.S. in communications) graduate program is relevant to these goals. Deadline for application is May 1. Applicants are encouraged to meet with the graduate program director in advance of the deadline to discuss the CDP.
Anthony Spencer, Ph.D.
Graduate Program Director
School of Communications
Email: [email protected]
Sample Schedule for the Accelerated M.S. in Communications Program: Advertising/Public Relations
Year One
- CAP 105 - Technology in Public Relations and Advertising (3 credits)
- COM 101 - Concepts of Communication (3 credits)
- MTH 110 - Algebra (4 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing (4 credits)
- CAP 115 - Research Basics for Advertising and Public Relations (3 credits)
- COM 201 - Speech (3 credits)
- General education
- General education
Year Two
- CAP 210 - Fundamentals of Advertising (3 credits)
- CAP 220 - Fundamentals of Public Relations (3 credits)
- COM 295 - Communication Theory (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- CAP 310 - Advertising Management and Cases (3 credits)/CAP 320 - Public Relations Management and Cases (3 credits)
- JBM 256 - News Reporting (3 credits)/WRT 219 - Introduction to Creative Writing (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
Year Three
- CAP 315 - Advertising Copywriting (3 credits)/CAP 321 - Media Relations Writing (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
- CAP 325 - Advertising and Public Relations Ethics and Law (3 credits)/PHI 325 - Ethics in Professional Life (3 credits)
- CAP 413 - Media Planning (3 credits)/CAP 423 - Writing Corporate Communications (3 credits)
- CAP elective
- CAP elective
- Free elective
Year Four
- CAP 490 - Internship in Advertising/Public Relations (1 to 6 credits)
- CAP 495 - Advertising and Public Relations Campaign (3 credits)
- Free elective
- COM 600 - Systems Theory and Communication (3 credits)
- COM 620 - Empirical Methods in Communication (3 credits)
- COM 634 - Ethics in Professional Communication (3 credits)
- COM 642 - Communication Law (3 credits)
- Free elective
- Free elective
- Free elective
Year Five
- COM 610 - Secondary Information and Analysis (3 credits)
- COM 660 - Communication Management and Cases (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
- Graduate elective
- PNH 520 - Foundations of Public Service (3 credits)
- COM 641 - Emerging Communication Technologies (3 credits)
- COM 693 - Master's Project (3 credits)/COM 695 - Master's Thesis (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
The number of credits taken each semester will vary depending on the particular courses taken. A minimum of 120 credits is required to complete the undergraduate degree. In the sample previously listed, at least one required course, such as a lab science course, would bring the total number of credits to 120.
Sample Schedule for the Accelerated M.S. in Communications Program: Communication Studies
Year One
- COM 101 - Concepts of Communication (3 credits)
- MTH 110 - Algebra (4 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing (4 credits)
- General education
- COM 201 - Speech (3 credits)
- General education
- General education
- General education
- General education
Year Two
- COM 202 - Critical Interpretation (3 credits)/COM 203 - Argument and Analysis (3 credits)
- COM 295 - Communication Theory (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
- CS core course
- CS core course
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
Year Three
- CS core course
- CS core course
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
- CS core course
- CS core course
- CS elective
- CS elective
- Free elective
Year Four
- CAP 495 - Advertising and Public Relations Campaign (3 credits)
- CS elective
- Free elective
- COM 600 - Systems Theory and Communication (3 credits)
- COM 620 - Empirical Methods in Communication (3 credits)
- COM 490 - Internship (1 to 6 credits)/COM 498 - Senior Thesis/Project (1 to 6 credits)
- COM 634 - Ethics in Professional Communication (3 credits)
- COM 642 - Communication Law (3 credits)
- Free elective
- Free elective
Year Five
- COM 610 - Secondary Information and Analysis (3 credits)
- COM 660 - Communication Management and Cases (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
- Graduate elective
- PNH 520 - Foundations of Public Service (3 credits)
- COM 641 - Emerging Communication Technologies (3 credits)
- COM 693 - Master's Project (3 credits)/COM 695 - Master's Thesis (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
The number of credits taken each semester will vary depending on the particular courses taken. A minimum of 120 credits is required to complete the undergraduate degree. In the sample, at least one required course, such as a lab science course, would bring the total number of credits to 120.
Sample Schedule for the Accelerated M.S. in Communications Program: Health Communication
Year One
- COM 101 - Concepts of Communication (3 credits)
- MTH 110 - Algebra (4 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing (4 credits)
- General education
- AHS 100 - Medical Terminology (3 credits)
- COM 201 - Speech (3 credits)/COM 215 - Story Making (3 credits)
- COM 209 - Health Communication Systems (3 credits)
- General education
- General education
Year Two
- CAP 210 - Fundamentals of Advertising (3 credits)
- CAP 220 - Fundamentals of Public Relations (3 credits)
- CHM 109 - Introductory Chemistry (4 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- BIO 104 - Biology for the 21st Century (4 credits)
- BMS 223 - Infectious Human Diseases; Prevention and Control (3 credits)
- JBM 256 - News Reporting (3 credits)
- COM 295 - Communication Theory (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
Year Three
- BMS 202 - Anatomy and Physiology (4 credits)
- CAP 321 - Media Relations Writing (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
- AHS 340 - Health Care Management (3 credits)
- JBM 390 - Technical Writing (3 credits)
- General education
- General education
- Free elective
Year Four
- CAP 495 - Advertising and Public Relations Campaign (3 credits)
- MKT 350 - Marketing Management (3 credits)
- COM 600 - Systems Theory and Communication (3 credits)
- COM 620 - Empirical Methods in Communication (3 credits)
- HCO elective
- COM 410 - Senior Seminar in Health Communication (3 credits)
- COM 490 - Internship (1 to 6 credits)
- COM 634 - Ethics in Professional Communication (3 credits)
- COM 642 - Communication Law (3 credits)
- Free elective
Year Five
- COM 610 - Secondary Information and Analysis (3 credits)
- COM 660 - Communication Management and Cases (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
- Graduate elective
- PNH 520 - Foundations of Public Service (3 credits)
- COM 641 - Emerging Communication Technologies (3 credits)
- COM 693 - Master's Project (3 credits)/COM 695 - Master's Thesis (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
The number of credits taken each semester will vary depending on the particular courses taken. A minimum of 120 credits is required to complete the undergraduate degree. In the sample previously listed, at least one required course, such as a lab science course, would bring the total number of credits to 120.
Sample Schedule for the Accelerated M.S. in Communications Program: Journalism, Broadcasting, and Digital Media
Year One
- JBM 184 - Introduction to Broadcasting (3 credits)
- COM 101 - Concepts of Communication (3 credits)
- MTH 110 - Algebra (4 credits)
- WRT 150 - Strategies in Writing (4 credits)
- JBM 236 - News in Society (3 credits)
- JBM 256 - News Reporting (3 credits)
- General education
- General education
- General education
Year Two
- JBM 260 - Digital Journalism Workshop (3 credits)
- JBM 284 - Broadcast News (3 credits)
- COM 201 - Speech (3 credits)/COM 215 - Story Making (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- JBM 290 - Media History (3 credits)
- COM 295 - Communication Theory (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- General education
- General education
Year Three
- JBM 310 - Advanced Reporting Techniques (3 credits)
- B.A./B.S. cognate course
- CMJ elective
- General education
- General education
- JBM 316 - News Design and Layout (3 credits)
- JBM 325 - Issues in Journalism (3 credits)
- General education
- General education
- General education
Year Four
- CAP 495 - Advertising and Public Relations Campaign (3 credits)
- CMJ elective
- COM 600 - Systems Theory and Communication (3 credits)
- COM 620 - Empirical Methods in Communication (3 credits)
- JBM 490 - Internship (1 to 6 credits)
- COM 634 - Ethics in Professional Communication (3 credits)
- COM 642 - Communication Law (3 credits)
- Free elective
- Free elective
Year Five
- COM 610 - Secondary Information and Analysis (3 credits)
- COM 660 - Communication Management and Cases (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
- Graduate elective
- PNH 520 - Foundations of Public Service (3 credits)
- COM 641 - Emerging Communication Technologies (3 credits)
- COM 693 - Master's Project (3 credits)/COM 695 - Master's Thesis (3 credits)
- Graduate elective
The number of credits taken each semester will vary depending on the particular courses taken. A minimum of 120 credits is required to complete the undergraduate degree. In the sample previously listed, at least one required course, such as a lab science course, would bring the total number of credits to 120.